Murals – Lazure-wallpainting
Every colour is a certain relationship and process between light and darkness.
Every colour is a certain message for the soul. (See J.W. Goethes colour compendium)
The goal is: to create a colour mood in a space, to have transparent walls, giving a lightful, wide,
comfortable space.
Technically three components are needed:
-pigment gives the colour tonality (mineral, plant, synthetic)
-transparent liant to stick the pigments together and on the wall (mineralic, waxemulsion, latex,
acrilic, woodglue)
-water to dilute
Mix the pigments with the liant in a bucket, dilute with water to have it as clear as you want it.
The first layer is very light. The more layers you do, the more fine the painting get‘s.
With a large, soft aquarell-paint brush spread the colour as regular as you can. Think you need not to
finish perfectly with the first layer, but you will do many layers.
Let dry very well every layer, before painting the next layer on it.
Blue lazured wall
I was invited to paint a wall near a swimming pool. The white was blinding during the summer bath in
the sun. Already before the owner had painted seagulls on it, but it had to be repainted and the
owner had died. Two dolphins in metal are also jumping up.
On the white wall I painted many transparent layers of blue with the movement of jumping fishes
and flying seagulls. (On the fotos they are not very well visible.)
This wall is exposed to sun and rain, but it’s made with weather lasting paint.
Green lazured wall
Another wall on a gardenplace I was asked to paint with green-yellow arches. The medium of
transparent layers allow a process, building up and letting grow the picture. The one who has
commanded the work can participate and influence the process.
The wall is outside, but under a roof. I used water dilutable paints with an acrylic liant and protection
in and on it.
Wall paintings in the sacristy Kiel (the series of murals)
The Christian Community in Kiel has built a large church, the Raphaelkirche.
The sacristy is an octagonal room. On three of the walls there are windows, on one of them the door.
The walls in between were painted with pictures of the four archangels of the seasons: Gabriel
(Christmas), Raphael (Easter), Uriel (summer), Michael (autumn).
The photos show how the pictures developed step by step until the appearance of the archangel.
They were painted directly on the wall with plant colours.
These eight photos show some of the pictures of the painting process how the Archangel Raphael was developed step by step.
These six photos show some of the pictures of the painting process how the Archangel Gabriel was developed step by step.